Ana Matos Santos, Rosana Campos, Andreia Cardoso


Introduction: Tinnitus is a conscious perception of a sound, in the absence of external stimulus. It’s a subjective symptom. Its prevalence in adult population is about 10-15%. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is based on on the psychological premise that thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behavior are interrelated. Consequently, modifying the individual's way of thinking and beliefs it’s possible to transform their emotions and consequently cause behavioral changes. This paper aims to review the latest evidence available on the effectiveness of CBT in treating tinnitus.

Material and Methods: Research on Evidence-Based Medicine Sources of scientific articles published between June 2013 and June 2019. The MeSH terms used were “Tinnitus” AND “Treatment” AND “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”. The Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT) scale was used for assignment of evidence levels and recommendation strength.

Results: 61 articles were obtained. Of these, 15 were selected for integral reading. Of the 15 articles read in full, 2 were selected that met the inclusion criteria: 1 Systematic Review and 1 Clinical Guidance.

Discussion: CBT proved to be effective in reducing depressive and anxious symptoms related to tinnitus and improvement of quality of life. CBT provides greater tolerability and reduced disability caused by tinnitus.

Conclusion: This review provides consistent and good quality evidence, patient-oriented, which underlines the importance of CBT in the treatment of tinnitus, particularly in improving the quality of life and reduction of associated anxious and depressive symptoms. The authors attribute to the present evidence-based review a level of SORT Recommendation A.


Palabras clave

Tinnitus, Treatment, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Texto completo:



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