Complications of voice prosthesis and analysis of tracheoesophageal voice after total laryngectomy.
Introduction:Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) has been shown to be an effective method for speech restoration after laryngectomy. This study aims to evaluate the TEP-related complications and to assess the voice quality outcomes.Â
Material and methods:Descriptive-ambispective study of laryngectomee rehabilitated by TEP between 2010 and 2017 in a tertiary hospital. Complications, such as salivary leakages, and their association with other factors were analyzed. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Prospectively, we performed an acoustic analysis of voice in a subgroup of patients.Â
Results: TEP was placed primarily in 88.2%. Thirty-nine percent of patients had salivary leakage. The average number of replacements per year was 1.6. Tumor stage and salivary leakage were significantly associated found (p=0.015), but radiotherapy was not (p=0.67).Eighty-nine percent of patients used TEP as their usual communication method.Â
Conclusions:Tracheoesophageal voice is highly effective method but entails frequent complications, requiring close monitoring, although most are fixed easily in clinic.
Palabras clave
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