Introduction. There is a common belief that dietary restrictions in posttonsillectomy are correlated with a minor posttonsilectomy bleeding rate, however, few studies have addressed this. This study compares the effects of restricted diet (RD) vs unrestricted diet (URD) on posttonsillectomy bleeding rate, pain score, weight change and return to a normal diet.
Material and Methods. Prospective randomized controlled trial over one year, 100 children who underwent tonsillectomy (with or without adenoidectomy) were randomly allocated into 2 groups. A total of 48 patients were allocated in the RD group, and 52 patients were allocated in the URD group.Â
Results. Participants' age range was 3 to 14 years. The main indication for tonsillectomy was sleep-disordered breathing (57%). One patient in the RD group was admitted to the hospital due to secondary self-limited bleeding. Difference in posttonsillectomy bleeding rate (P= .795), mean pain score (P= .703) and number of days needed for a free pain score (P=.666), weren't statistically significant between  groups. Weight change before and after surgery wasn't statistically different in the URD group (P=.777), however there was a statistically difference in the RD group (P=.000) from 28,46 to 27,63 Kg. Time for return to normal diet was 3,32 ± 0,343 days in URD group.Â
Conclusion. We found no effect of unrestricted diet in posttonsillectomy bleeding rate or pain score between groups. Still, RD had an unfavorable effect on weight. These results favor the recommendation for an URD
Palabras clave
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